Quick Edit Podcasts, the new convenient service

Order, Upload, Publish.
Podcast editing

on demand.

Ted Cragg, Founder

Frustrated with trying to find reliable audio editing?

Tired of having to submit a form, or book a call, just to know pricing?

Looking for an on-demand service, where you can order what you want, when you want?

quick edit podcasts logo
Quick Edit Podcasts is the service the industry needs. Ted has the perfect workflow for a busy podcast: order what you need, upload the file, receive the edited version back, all within 48 hours. It is simple, effective, and, most importantly, a professional-quality product.

Our quick order services:

  • Single Episode Audio Edit

    Just one episode that needs editing? No problem! Send it over, one-and-done! 48 hour turnaround from the moment we receive all your files.

  • Multiple Episodes Audio Edit

    If you have more than one episode ready for editing, Quick Edit Credit is the way to go. With Quick Edit Credit, you can set up a balance of funds in our system, then draw from that whenever you have a new episode that needs editing. Using Quick Edit Credit also gives you $10 off each episode edit.

  • Coaching/Tech Advice

    Become a better podcaster and stand out from the crowd. We’re here to help you with whichever stage of podcasting you’re in. Give us a call!

  • Human-Edited Transcriptions

    The only way to ensure transcription accuracy is to listen through an episode and manually correct & verify the transcription. Let us help you be consistent, professional and respectful to your audience by ensuring your transcripts are 100% accurate.

  • Podcast Trailer Creation

    Work with us to create a podcast trailer to advertise your show. Great for social media promotion and pre-launch hype.

  • Intro/Outro Creation

    Bookend your episodes with hooks and calls to action. Update your existing Intro/Outro with something fresh and targeted.

Personal podcast management with Ted Cragg:

For larger projects, click here to work directly with Ted!

Launch your podcast, manage and sustain your show, or create and publish a Short Form Podcast.

"The order process was seamless, quick, and easy. This process was extremely user-friendly and I felt like anyone could submit an order quickly and confidently. The fast turnaround was amazing, especially since I post weekly and have a tight schedule, and have to plan accordingly."

Questions? Book a free Quick Call!

Why choose us?

Podcast editor sitting at desk, with editing tools and maps on the wall.

Ensure a smooth experience for your listeners, at a clear price for you.

Our service is completely human edited. We do a full listen through of every episode to make smooth, natural cuts and sensible decisions.

Quick Edit Podcasts delivers on a 48-hour turnaround so you can get your episode and its message out to the world.

For the podcaster who's ready to outsource.

Quick Edit Podcasts makes it fast and easy

"My team and I take the worry and stress out of finding good, reliable editing for your podcast. As podcasters ourselves, we know what a relief it is to feel confident and assured in the quality of our recordings."

Quick Edit Podcasts is great for:

  • Single Episodes

    Just one episode that needs editing? No problem! Send it over, one-and-done!

  • Mini-Series

    Consider a mini-series of episodes to promote your latest offer, a concept or theme, a collection of interviews: all without the commitment of an endless podcast.

  • Seasons

    We're a big fan of seasonal podcasts. Plan your episodes from start to finish, take a break, and come back for the next season!

  • One-Off Projects

    Maybe you just have a one-time project that needs completion. We can take care of it without any further commitments or contracts.


A new approach to podcast editing

Our customers value the simple interface, customer service and an uncomplicated process from start to finish. 

Let them tell you all about it!

Graduate, the Podcast Manager Program, 2022

Member, Podcast Editor Academy, since 2020