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Pricing for Audio Editing

Choose an editing option below (“Essential” or “Advanced“), then select the length of your recorded audio to determine the rate.

With our service, you only place your order after you’ve completed your recording. That way we know the exact length, and the corresponding rate.

For advanced payments, consider our credit system, which allows you to purchase a set amount of production time and then use them as required. Learn more here!

For a clean conversation, choose the Essential edit

Our audio production starts with the “Essential” edit:

  • Full listen-through with human ears. No click-button AI editing.
  • Insertion of Intro & Outro, if provided.
  • Mixing multiple tracks together to ensure every speaker is in sync. Maximum 3 tracks (individual speakers).
  • Dialogue cleanup to remove most pauses, restarts, stutters and crutch words.
  • Specific dialogue cleanup edit requests, if sent with a timestamp.
  • Noise reduction, mixing and mastering.
  • 48-hour turnaround.
  • Free revisions; each revision submission adds another 24 hours to delivery. If you have multiple revisions, we recommend submitting them all at once.
Select the length of your recording to determine the rate:
0-20 min.
21-30 min.
31-40 min.
41-50 min.
51-60 min.
61-70 min.
71-80 min.
81-90 min.









Get more options, more detail and more support with the Advanced edit

For more detailed production, we offer the “Advanced” edit, with everything in Essential plus:

  • Up to 8 separate tracks included.
  • Insertion of Ad placements, in addition to your standard Intro & Outro.
  • Cleanup of non-spoken audio (the non-speaking track), when separate tracks provided (recommended)
  • Content editing for logical flow and grammar.
  • Insertion and mixing of your royalty-free music and sound effects, when provided.
  • Upload exported .mp3 to your podcast host or cloud storage drive, when access provided.
Select the length of your recording to determine the rate:
0-20 min.
21-30 min.
31-40 min.
41-50 min.
51-60 min.
61-70 min.
71-80 min.
81-90 min.









So how do I know how much my episode edit will cost?

Length of recording
Essential edit
Advanced edit
0-20 min.
21-30 min.
31-40 min.
41-50 min.
51-60 min.
61-70 min.
71-80 min.
81-90 min.

Competitive pricing and above-standard inclusions

Pricing for further Quick Edit Podcasts services:


A new approach to podcast editing

Our customers value the simple interface, customer service and an uncomplicated process from start to finish. 

Let them tell you all about it!