Ted Cragg

Founder & Chief Editor

Ted Studio
QUICK EDIT 500 shadow

Isn't it nice to have options?

To just know what you're getting yourself into?

It’s a part of business and life, needing help with something to solve a problem and get things done. You’re ready to ask for help, and happy to pay, but the options aren’t clear, and the price is unknown.
For example, I have years of audio editing experience, and have done enough WordPress to understand the basics of building a decent site. But SEO optimization? Where’s the over my head emoji?
It seems like a complex world of correctly placing keywords, keeping up with ever-changing components, best-practices, and new algorithms. I probably could invest a pile of time into learning it all (and at times I’ve tried), but it’s not my zone of genius, and I’m happy to outsource it out.
But where do you start? Fiverr or Upwork? How do you choose someone out of the likely hundreds or more experts available? I never knew where to start. They seem a dime a dozen.
I’d like to find someone based on personal referral, but how likely are they to have Fiverr or Upwork’s easy order and payment forms? It’s always, “Send us a message!” “Click here to book a call!” Getting you down that funnel without knowing the price or commitment, until you’re backed into a corner.
I don’t like being in those high-pressure situations, especially when maybe I just need a bit of help, advice on that one thing, instead of offloading the entire project. But that’s typically the offer: all or nothing.
In the case above, ultimately I found a friend of mine who knew some good SEO tactics and could help me out. We did a service exchange, which helped dodge the price issue. But I was lucky that option materialized.
I knew that as a service provider myself, I would be happy to give potential clients and customers options, where others demand conformity and set packages.
I asked myself, “If someone can only afford to outsource maybe one episode out of four, why would I say no to that?”
Or, “Perhaps they have creative reasons why they would rather edit and produce certain episodes themselves, whereas others are more standardized and straightforward. I should set up an easy-to-order, on-demand service where they can pick and choose what they want to outsource!”
Now, launching a podcast, creating a miniseries or other personalized content creation projects are on a different level. I love working on those too, but they do require more planning, meetings and systems. Essentially, very customized, as opposed to a standardized order form. But basic cleanup and production of a podcast episode? I know from years of experience that that’s what podcasters need most of the time.
The wheels were starting to turn, and before long, Quick Edit Podcasts became a reality.
I’ve been podcasting since 2017, starting with The MultiPod podcast, a show that explores career, identity, work/life balance, variety, and lives full of options. In short: multipotentialites, a term coined by the author and intellectual Emilie Wapnick. Multipotentialites like to do many things, and recoil from the pressure to specialize and choose “the one thing.”
While this applies in particular to work and career choices, it also plays out in our hobbies and interests, our education and how we choose to spend our time. As you can imagine, this can lead to some pretty deep, existential moments, as we grapple with learning how our brains function.
Multipotentialites are the type of people who purposefully choose to get multiple degrees, because they don’t want to have to choose just one. They intentionally change jobs or careers, sometimes a complete 180°, which often means starting from scratch. This stems from a passion for variety, and a fundamental awareness that we only have one life to live, so let’s make the most of it and do all the things.
The Puttyverse is a wonderfully inclusive, positive and supportive online community founded by Emilie to bring multipotentialites together. When I joined in 2017, I quickly recognized that this was fertile ground for a podcast. We had lots of fascinating topics that we could deep-dive into, fundamental questions about the multipotentialite life and reality to explore, and most of all, incredible people to meet, from around the world, with unique skills, stories and perspectives. I pitched starting a podcast to the group, and we launched at the end of 2017.
Nearly 7 years later (an eternity for a multipotentialite!), The MultiPod is still going strong. After years of producing and co-hosting the show, I recently took over full rights and ownership of the podcast, which means that although we still love and support the people and work of The Puttyverse, The MultiPod podcast is free to pursue further opportunities, partnerships and expansion, as a truly independent podcast.
The MultiPod in turn has helped me develop and grow my skills in audio production. I’m a musician and have always been interested in audio, and quickly became enamoured with podcasts as a wonderful platform for memorable conversation. After years of working in the tourism industry, I did my own multipotentialite-shift in 2021, and became a full-time, professional audio editor and podcast manager.
It’s the variety of the work itself that sustains my commitment, because every podcast is different, every client unique: there are base underlying skills, and yet they are used and applied in different ways, depending on the show. I’m happy going from audio editing to content planning, coaching, auditing, tech support, miniseries production, podcast website support, creating promotional clips, and more recently, video editing.
Podcasting is an exciting, dynamic medium that is one of the few remaining where the creator controls the platform. Algorithms and haphazard suggestions have little effect here: much like blogging and newsletters, podcasts are hosted independently from social media sites. You control the distribution, you set the parameters and your followers stay with you as you evolve and adapt. Listeners are there for you and because of you, not just because of a particular thumbnail or random scrolling. Your audience is thus far more meaningful, with deeper trust and far greater opportunities for connection and monetization.
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