Human-Edited Transcriptions

100% Accurate Transcriptions

You need transcriptions that are accurate, effective, that respect your audience and are made for SEO.

AI-based services such as auto-generated transcriptions are a great start, but they will never produce a transcript that is completely void of grammar errors, mispelled names and just plain wrong words.

Only the human ear can guarantee that a transcript is accurate, as recorded.

Why is this important?

Transcriptions are a service to your audience that provide several valuable incentives:

  • Your audience that is hard of hearing can still read through your episode and have access to the value therein.
  • Listeners can search for words, names and phrases that they may not have understood in audio form.
  • Some listeners may not have time to consume an entire episode, but they can skim through a transcript and still consume your information.
  • Transcripts can be indexed for valuable SEO strategy and backlinks, helping your podcast’s discoverability.

So why not just use AI for your transcripts?

A click-button AI service leaves you dependent on whatever it interprets for your episode. 

  • Try running the same episode through the same transcription service twice: you may be surprised how different the results are!
  • AI is unfortunately quite poor when it comes to non-native English speakers and names, frequently coming up with something completely innacurate. If you are relying on a transcript to help your audience understand specific names, phrases and terms, you’ll need to go in and edit those manually each time.
  • AI will also typically muddle or completely miss moments where speakers talk over each other, even when those moments are otherwise intelligble to the listener. You’ll need to manually separate and re-type words and entire sentences.
  • A good, accurate transcript is a mark of respect to your followers hard of hearing, demonstrating that you put the resources into giving them accurate information too.

What's the solution?

The only way to ensure accuracy is to listen through an episode and manually correct & verify the transcription.

  • Human editing of transcriptions is not a particularly technical skill, just very time-intensive.
  • Our team at Quick Edit Podcasts has experience doing this at 1.5X and 2X speed, while still ensuring full accuracy.
  • We still start with AI! It would take ages to type out a transcript from scratch. We use AI to its full ability before taking over and doing a full pass through. Human editing of a transcription still typically takes about a 1:1.5 ratio of episode length to labor.

Let us save you time, and be consistent, professional and respectful to your audience, by ensuring your transcripts are 100% accurate.

Order a Human-Edited Transcription as a standalone service, or as an add-on to your audio edit.

Standalone Pricing:

0-20 min.
21-30 min.
31-40 min.
41-50 min.
51-60 min.
61-70 min.
71-80 min.
81-90 min.









When added to a single episode audio edit:

0-20 min.
21-30 min.
31-40 min.
41-50 min.
51-60 min.
61-70 min.
71-80 min.
81-90 min.

$30 + audio edit (Essential or Advanced)

$45 + audio edit (Essential or Advanced)

$55 + audio edit (Essential or Advanced)

$65 + audio edit (Essential or Advanced)

$75 + audio edit (Essential or Advanced)

$85 + audio edit (Essential or Advanced)

$95 + audio edit (Essential or Advanced)

$105 + audio edit (Essential or Advanced)


A new approach to podcast editing

Our customers value the simple interface, customer service and an uncomplicated process from start to finish. 

Let them tell you all about it!

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